The Sustainability Professionals 2010 Competency Survey Report
A research study conducted by the International Society of Sustainability Professionals. Authored by Marsha Willard, Carole Wiedmeyer, R. Warren Flint, John S. Weedon, Rick Woodward, Ira Feldman and Mark Edwards. March 2010
In response to a growing need to move the world towards sustainable development and sustainable practices within government and industry, a whole new profession is emerging. This research study was conducted to bring clarity, cohesion and credibility to this new area. The study, conducted over a 9 month period, sought to answer the question, “What should a sustainability professional know how to do?” A review of related studies and a backward chaining approach to identifying starter skill sets led to a series of interviews with invited experts in the field. This process culminated in a survey tool that was administered to nearly 400 professionals working in the field. This report summarizes the competencies identified as being most critical to the successful performance of professionals working in the field of
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