
The Australasian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (ACEDD) is an association of people drawn from Australian and New Zealand universities and with line responsibility for environmental science and/or environmental studies programs and endeavours. It commenced informal operations in July 2008 and was formally constituted in March 2009.


Education, research and scholarship in environment and sustainability are central to Australia’s future well-being and prosperity. As the peak body, the Australasian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (ACEDD) will provide strategic leadership and advocacy in environmental science and related fields.


  1. Promote and support Quality Education
    To identify, promote and support the development of excellence in Australian education in the fields of environment and sustainability.
  2. Foster Research & Scholarship
    To foster capacity and excellence in environmental research and scholarship at Australian universities.
  3. Advocacy
    To highlight environment-related issues and challenges and draw on evidence-based decision-making to address concerns of the general community, professional and industry bodies.
  4. Engagement
    To engage and partner with national and international organisations and communities with the purpose of highlighting environmental issues, research and education.
  5. Networking and Practice Sharing
    To facilitate networking and practice sharing within the Higher Education environmental community in Australia and internationally.
  6. Governance
    To maintain an effective, enduring, and equitable organisation for member universities and provide the forum and resources to achieve ACEDD’s objectives.